A pictorial look at Freeport 1950-1960s

Before hitting the great days of the 70s and 80s I found these photos of Freeport on Oldbahamas.com and thought to share them. Remember that unlike Nassau, New Providence, Freeport, Grand Bahama did not have the history. What history we have now is the growing up of Freeport and the entire island due to the formation of the Hawksbill Creek Agreement, the Grand Bahama Port Authority and the Grand Bahama Development Company. A boom of energy and a vision that was all set, but later side tracked by the thought of sharing the profits was what we were left with and little though of how to recover and move on with proper legislation to assist all. Next week we look at the promises fulfilled by the G.B. Port Authority. Thanks again to Oldbahama.com. If you want copies of these photos just contact them for reprints.