
Showing posts from November 3, 2013

After the "Bend or Break" Speech

After the "Bend or Break" Speech Following the famous or infamous "Bend or Break" speech by the then Premier and later first Prime Minister of The Bahamas, Sir Lynden O Pindling, there was a lot of movement in Grand Bahama and Freeport in particular. It is said that the Sir Lynden knocked down the gates the bounded Freeport from the East and the West allowing "dark" Bahamians to travel in and out of Freeport not only during the day time, but also during the evening. A number foreign investors then decided to leave the island and the country. Some without closing businesses or selling. What was left was the hope of a flourishing Freeport continuing at a sluggard pace. This pace through the years seemed to have dropped off but the "hope" of the Magic City, still persisted. In the 1980's there are a number of persons who are still very, very hopeful and even came up with papers on how we can better this island and the economy here. ... aside

I have been checking on this last post to see what response I got because it was such an important speech. It was "the" speech that is said to have decided the fate of the island and the country. What I have discovered is the root of the evil that plagues our land ... politics! After re-posting and re-posting this blog I found that the only remarks made came from persons who were of the Progressive Liberal Party and that anyone of any other persuasion I suppose did not want to read, agree, make comments because they would fear how they would be perceived. I have spoken to persons who said that they felt Sir Lynden Pindling was only looking out for the people of The Bahamas at the time this statement was made. It was further said that he began with good intentions and this was most appreciated as they then went into the "bad" of his later years. I say the "evil" that plagues our land because the negativity of the people to me is THE mean cause of Fr...