What about the 90s and into 2000s?
Grand Bahamas has seen a series of ups and downs and I think one of the hardest was during this era. As we came into the 90s there was great political upheaval all around the islands, but particularly here. The champion of Grand Bahama and leader of the then official opposition - the Free National Movement, died just before we came into this era. But it is reported that on his death bed he asked a former member of the ruling Progressive Liberal Party, who had been kicked out, to take on the leadership role of the Free National Movement. This was the only position that the ousted man could pridefully take considering the fact that in previous times he stated that he could never join this party. So with elections fresh in the air in beginning of the 1990s, this buck gave it all he had and together in 1992 they won the election from the 25 rule of the Progressive Liberal Party. It would have been the second time I was eligible to vote and yet, I was still unregistered and cared ...