Restoration, Renovations, Relief

Four weeks after Category 4 possible 5 Hurricane Matthew hit Grand Bahama full force, disrupting essential services and our number one industry - tourism, things are beginning to come back together with lots of people helping. One of the things that made the island look rather scary was the brown trees. They are now turning green which brings a light of hope. It's funny how many in the northern countries are just accustomed to the brown of the trees and may not feel the hopelessness of a brown tree. Here we can see the beauty of the trees and grass that were turned brown due to salt burn ... the salt water sprayed over the trees during the storm. Lots of love to all the civic groups that have been helping all the distressed areas on the island as well as the Grand Bahama Port Authority, the Grand Bahama Shipyard. Rotary Club of Grand Bahama Sunrise in West End. Rotary Club of Grand Bahama Sunrise in West End. ...