
Showing posts from July 12, 2015

What is your influence?

This morning I came across a quote by famous silent comedian Charlie Chaplin that made me smile, "Nothing is permanent in this world, not even our troubles." When I think of the state of Freeport, I take comfort in these words. And I think God is trying to tell me something because all around I keep hearing positivity ... maybe its just what I'm looking for purposefully, but from Instagrams' Prosperityquotes this morning I got these words, "do not worry about anyone's current position in life. Keep doing what you're doing and the end results will show. You can't lose focus on where you're going ... or else it'll be a disaster at the turning point." We are all looking forward to a better Grand Bahama. We have many thoughts on what would bring that about, but there is so much negativity and doubt that those with money would not put it in the economy to make it what it can be. We need to change the mindset. In the words of

Potential... have we lost sight?

It has been more than a little more than a month since my last post and I want to apologize and say that if you don't keep yourself pumped up, you can get lost in the fray of negativity. I love the words of Zig Ziglar who said, " People often say that motivation doesn't last.  Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." I have found these words to be all too true as I got caught up in the world of negativity and lost sight of the potential of this blog, the readers and the island. Over the weekend I started reading a lot of motivational tid-bits and it got me to thinking again about this blog and its potential. On Instagram I came across a lot of sights that spew positivity and can really get you going. Some also have ideas on what you can do to improve you. This morning I came across this advice from aimfortheimpossible which said:  "You should always try to do things that other people won't do so eventually you will be ab...