Need more ideas?
As I continue my search for possible good ideas for businesses in Grand Bahama, albeit small businesses that can grow I came across more from Entrepreneur Magazine. I am only giving those that can apply to us here. So how about being doing a Collectibles Searcher ... Collectibles searchers, who carefully canvas swap meets, thrift stores and garage sales, can collect a bundle locating objets d'art for clients. Once you've found your niche--be it antique lunch boxes, dolls or grandfather clocks--advertise your services in hobbyist publications, at collectibles stores, in specialty forums on the internet, or on eBay. Soon you'll be taking up a collection of your own. Now you would be interested in checking out pages such as Things to Sell and Looking to Buy on Facebook for some of these items. Diaper Delivery .. Some people are on the help the environment trip and would like to have cloth diapers that offer velcro and snaps instead of using the pins. This is a sl...