
Showing posts from March 6, 2016

What to do? What to do?

Ok Let's hear it for the boys! The Rotary Club of Sunset is showing off work done by the men in the community under the theme "eMANcipation - a Freedom of Expression." With so much going on in Grand Bahama this is a must see event. Some say there is nothing to do in Grand Bahama, but every weekend is fairly booked as far as I can see The following weekend we will see the return of Crazy Love: Which is also at the same time as: Then we go to the dogs: And then in April please watch out for the bridal show:

Volunteers needed!

It was great yesterday when I came across this wonderful little encouragement... volunteers needed said the sender and it was right up my alley although not on the day I would like.... The  I Love Freeport group from the Grand Bahama Port Authority is behind this great venture ... and just when some people wanted to know what could they do. This icon in Grand Bahama still holds a lot of great memories for many people here in abroad and I guess it's the  time to give back and to recreate. This is not the first time the Grand Bahama Port Authority has put an effort into reviving the International Bazaar.. that last was in allowing persons interested in renting shop space here to have their license free for a year... a great deal. Maybe it will come back again and more persons would take advantage ... This venture excites the Save the Bazaar team and we can't wait to see what will happen next for this grand...

How can you help?

The photo selected says that there are possibilities all around. Something to look forward to. The last post ... Carey Leonard's admonition to get going ... same theme of this blog... got the attention of a resident of Grand Bahama who called and said they are willing to do anything to help. Well... that's a great way to start and it's what Flipping Grand Bahama is all about. This blog began almost three years ago with the thought of simply changing the mindset of the people here that would ultimately change the attitude and the outcome for and in Grand Bahama. What can we do? We can wake up to the fact that the Grand Bahama Port Authority is not what it once was. We have the ability to form a proper Licencee Association and work on making business better for all in Grand Bahama... not just Freeport. We can work together on projects that would enhance the island and to give more value to the tourism/banking/networking communities and the economy of the...