Reinventing ourselves

So back in May of this year, a comment came from a reader, Brad Ingersoll on our Facebook. His comment came to a blog on the possible closure of the Grand Lucaya. Brad Ingersoll At one time thousands worked in Grand Bahama, at resorts, cab tours, food and beverage and such. Now the world has changed and the island needs to re invent itself and it can be done. Cuba will not help with Island tourism as crazy Americans will need to travel to a 3rd world Communist country to see what's its all about! This got me to thinking.... how would we re-invent ourselves? (That's all I took away from what he said. What about you?) What do we want to look like? A thriving metropolis? To reach a standard, we need to set a bar? Is the bar from our past? I've had a lot of time to think about this. We have been saying over and over again that we want the good old days to come back, but what influenced those days and are they positive and acceptable and adaptable to n...