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Following my post last Friday, this was the post I got from Janet Albury: Morning Yasmin, I read your column with great interest and need to enlighten you. Sometimes perception is perceived as truth and sometimes, when a story is repeatedly told, it changes and so does the truth. The 'closing of the gates' and persons having to leave the area of Freeport at dusk, had nothing to do with colour... it had everything to do with the 'bonded' status of Freeport. My parents moved here in the mid-1950's and lived during all of the changes and issues. During the creation of an historical exhibit in 2004, I interviewed several persons... one being a Bahamian gentleman whom I fondly regarded and who sat on the political sidelines. When the matter of 'the gate' was discussed, he told me with a chuckle that it was a lie... used for political purposes. My mother would attest most adamantly that the gate was not used to keep the black Bahamians out! More lies!.....