Hurricane blues
Bahama Reef Condominiums under repairs. How long does it take to get over the destruction of a hurricane? There are many aspects of recovery and although sometimes we have money right away to throw as the problem, the psychological aspects of it stays much longer. In Grand Bahama over ten years ago three devastating hurricanes hit the island after three years of lull and before that a forty year break. The generations the have experienced the hurricanes Frances, Jeanne and Wilma had never really seen such powerful storms and the recovery with no water for weeks after, much less power, etc, was unheard of in this paradise. Felix in 1999 which was a really wet hurricane came close but did not hit the mark. Then came Matthew last October. In some persons minds they are tired of hearing of an excuse called Hurricane Matthew but there are people still having nightmares from the storm. There are people who thought they got over it well... and were not affected but a li...