What are you doing for you?
I heard of a story of a young man in Grand Bahama being counseled recently and I can only applaud the gentleman who did the counseling. The young man had apparently went to restaurant to beg for food but what he got was so much more as the business man explained that if he fed him, he would be back but explained to him the ways of the system and how to get some money and how to help himself. Then came the important question that he asked the young man, "but, what are you doing for you?" It is a wake up call for all Grand Bahama residents living here after the storms of 2004/2005 - "What are you doing for you?" Yes it has been rough but there is something you can do. Yes the government and the Grand Bahama Port Authority pose some challenges especially if you think you don't know someone important or that you are not connected to someone important. But you can do something for you. If there are no jobs, follow your passion and do what you love to do...