What's your idea?

Recently on LinkedIn I came across this article and thought of my blog. Maybe its just an ideal but this is what I wish for Freeport ... to be able to come alive without Government or the Grand Bahama Port Authority, but just people/residents who are there with ideas and take on the united project of “Rediscovering Freeport”. The article said: "On January 8, 1966, the New Yorker profiled Buckminster Fuller for the first time. During a trip to a Maine island with the journalist Calvin Tomkins, Fuller said something tremendously prescient: - Fuller proposed a worldwide technological revolution...[that] would take place quite independently of politics or ideology; it would be carried out by what he calls "comprehensive designers" who would coordinate resources and technology on a world scale for the benefit of all mankind, and would constantly anticipate future needs while they found ever-better ways of providing more and more from less and less.” Just as technology ...