
Showing posts from May 18, 2014

"Anything" is not a job!

What shall I write about today was something I was grappling with since Tuesday, even thought I knew of something that was coming. My motivators gave me a lot to write about but I thought, what really applies to Grand Bahama. Really… most of it. To "Flip" or change Grand Bahama, we need to start with the mindset of the people. This is what brought me to the topic this morning - "Anything" is not a job. Its nearing that time when thousands of young people all over The Bahamas will be graduating high school. Oh the choices, the ambition, the new life that is within each and every one. Some will get to go off to school and others will stay here looking for a job because of the pressures of life and parents. But what are their dreams? Even if you knew what your kids dreams were, would you help them with it or will you call it silly and say that with this economy it would not work? How open are you to the new era that is upon us and allowing young people to be ...

What are you buying into?

In my last post I said I was selling some good vibes but I began to wonder.... who is buying what I'm selling? As I look around Grand Bahama I do hear the negative. I do see the unsightly but I try to give a positive spin. If we were all invited to a pity party would we all go? How much good would it do for us personally and how much would it do for the island? To see what you want to see you have to make it change. So ... I stumbled on a gem yesterday as I was driving down Queen's Highway. The once huge lighting place that closed abruptly two to three years ago left a rather large building supposedly abandoned. But it was recently sold and the new owners are Bruce and Maura Chee-A-Tow who are moving their bedding manufacturing and sales business right on the main thoroughfare. Island Bedding they told me will be opening on Queens Highway hopefully within the next two months. This is a great addition to the look of Queen's Highway which suffered some set back...