
I can never say thanks enough to the people who are reading this blog and hoping that someone, somewhere out there will be inspired to do something and begin to physically create the magic needed in Freeport/Lucaya, Grand Bahama. I was getting a big discouraged with what my eyes were seeing as I read the responses of others to my last blog. It seems that once seeing the word "Freeport" emotions of pity and despair on some people. I find this interesting and depressing ... hmmm But I see the potential. There is a lot of potential. But you have to see Freeport/Grand Bahama the way Wallace Groves saw it ... as land mass with a lot of financial potential. I could never believe that he would have used all of his own money to bring this to light... the secret to great wealth most of the time is to use someone else's' money. Find like minded persons to invest in your ideas, but it is also important to put some of your own money, time and sweat. I was thinking just ...