Hawksbill Creek Agreement MOU between Bahamas Government and GBPA outlined

Nassau, Bahamas - Communication by the Rt. Hon. Perry G. Christie, M.P., Prime Minister and Member of Parliament for Centreville Review Of Expiring Concessions Contained in The Hawksbill Creek Grand Bahama (Deep Water Harbour And Industrial Area) Extension Of Tax Exemption Act, 1993 delivered in the House on May 9, 2016: Mr. Speaker, The review of the expiring concessions under the Hawksbill Creek Agreement has afforded my Government the opportunity to conclude arrangements aimed at strengthening and expanding the economy of Grand Bahama. When my administration took office four years ago, the economy of Grand Bahama was depressed with high unemployment and resultant economic hardships.Tourism was in severe decline with low hotel occupancies. A number of hotels had closed and there was inadequate airlift. With the cooperation of Hutchison, the largest hotel owner in Grand Bahama., we were able to arrange for Sunwing of Canada to renovate and re-open the closed Reef Hote...