Hart hopes and drive for not only Grand Bahama but The Bahamas

What is the future of Grand Bahama? Is there really hope?

According to entrepreneur/author Raquel Beneby-Hart, "without hope, we would have no life!"

In an interview with her recently about her present series and her new book, she said, she wants to see Grand Bahama do better.

This this transplant from Nassau said she came to Grand Bahama in 2004 three weeks prior to Hurricane Francis so she did not get to experience the "Magic City" that she had heard about, and she said she feels cheated at times.

"But that also (drives me), like lets just get back there. It can happen. We just have to work together. We just have to be innovative and we cannot wait for someone or government legislation and decisions to determine how far we go on or if we even go."

Hart said she took it upon herself as a Bahamian and a person who loves her country, and a person who loves to see her fellow man prosper, to be able to go out and make things happen and what has been so heart warming and encouraging for her has been the response from Nassau for the her present projects knowing that there are many consultants there."

"As a single mom I feel that I have a mandate to live a life before my daughter whereby I leave a legacy for her to follow and to feel proud of and shoulders to stand on" stated Hart. "It comes with its challenges however fortunately for me and my deep rooted Christian upbringing it keeps me grounded especially when I may want to give up to pull on that resource to say 'Lord I need your help, I need your guidance and what do I do next'."

Hart said that people sometimes only see the end result or the actions of something or plans that she has going on.

"But, my passion really is to help" she stated.

Her new venture from her Out Of The Box Strategy Group (her company) is the Bahamian Entrepreneur Tour she said she does not really have the financial means to do but she is driven by the fact that she sees persons who need the help.

"It has been a faith journey as I see that persons who believe in me personally have sought to assist me in being able to achieve this particular goal."

With this project she said she goes to a different island every last Saturday of the month to empower, educate and inspire other entrepreneurs.

Hart said that a lot of people because of the economy has become extremely creative, not knowing which way to turn to get their ideas to come to fruition which she said inspired her book.

She said it is a solutions driven business readiness book.

"We like to say that small businesses are the engine of any economy but quite frankly 80% of our businesses are small businesses, however those are the ones that fail the most and so we have a revolving door of small businesses, but unfortunately banks do not readily allow for loans. So a lot of people find themselves stuck in how do I get this business off the ground?

"And also I can understand why some banks have that hesitancy because the plans that they have are no fully thought out and so if the bank can't see a way for you to repay them they are not going to engage you with that discussion."

Her book she said helps persons to decide not only how to have a business but a sustainable one.

Excited about her tour and her book she said so far even though she is in Grand Bahama she has had more calls for the books in Nassau and for her help.

We wish her every success and we hope that more persons will be take the time to come out to the various seminars which are nothing short of informative.


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