Garage Ideas...

In previous posts I have asked the question, what is your passion?

I'm looking again at the passion and focus of everyone that is termed a success.

So I was listening to a motivational speaker - Anthony Robbins who said something that made me think. His words were: You need to understand the needs,  beliefs and emotions that are controlling you  so that you can give more of yourself and appreciate what changes other people.

This is important when thinking of starting a business because it cannot be just about you making money, although it may be the goal; but you need to be able to serve someone else for your idea to be successful.

The late Zig Zigler always said you can get what you want as long as you help other people get what they want.

The great garage businesses that are talked about are: Amazon, Apple, Disney, Google, Harley Davidson, HP, Mattel, Microsoft, Dell and Nike.

Of course all of these are American, but with the world being what it is you are not limited.

My focus - change Grand Bahama. With this focus I continue this blog. Everyone has their part to play… not all are to do the same thing and that is why we are all blessed with different gifts.

Can I steal your idea? Never. I never had your vision. I can do something like it, but I can never to "IT". So what's stopping you from pursuing your dreams.

I also read a commentary dispelling the garage businesses stating that for this to happen there are a number of things that would be required. I loved the last thing they said: "motivation is key".

Now the article asserted that you had to be in the middle class, but I think that if you are motivated enough it really does not matter. I love the way the paper boy has evolve to selling more than just papers - peanuts, water, juice, phone cards. Its an evolution. Who knows what else they may take on, or can take on. Let's say some realize their true potential as sales persons and put that to use in selling ideas, selling other products and with focus making the money to go bigger in their ideas.

I say garage ideas, but some of the ideas coming are not good for garages. 

I heard of a person who wanted to be a motivational speaker. This is not a garage business, but its birthed from the person in their home or wherever they may be. 

Here in The Bahamas many think that they cannot reach any further than their own community, or their own island and some even say as far as the boundaries of their own country. But in this day and age with all the things that are going on … your reach is even further.

Many years ago because of my love of writing a once close friend of mine asked why don't you write a blog .. I asked, what would I write about? I didn't let on that I was too afraid of a commitment to write on my own. But my passion has always been in writing. As a child I read a lot and then I wanted to write just as the authors of the books I read. 

My dream when I graduated high school was to be a good writer. I've learned that like art, that thought is rather subjective and I read a post on Facebook recently that said, no matter how good you are, or what you do there are still some people who will not like it because it came from you. With this though, we move steadily forward. That is something known, but there are more that may like compared to those who do not.

Another thing I learned as I finally began this blog about a year ago (over ten years after being prodded into such a think) was consistency in my blog would bring a bigger audience and following. Well, truth is I have only 5 followers and unfortunately I made myself two of them (understanding technology is not easy); and at first according to analytics said that the blog was being read more by Americans than Bahamians which bothered me greatly and was the thought behind a "rant"  I made in a blog. 

To my further dismay I found that people from many different places all over the world have been reading this blog which I am writing simply to better my island. But what thrilled me really was finding out my biggest audience now and for the past six months has been people in The Bahamas. 

I love my international readers. Some of them are friends of mine in those countries. I love my audience on a whole and I want to thank everyone who reads and now watches it on my "What's New" page which gives weekly news.

Along with focus, I found that gratitude is great and this morning I am most grateful to everyone reading, keeping up … oh and to LaReina DelMundo Sharez of Grand Bahama Let's Chat, Facebook Page who explained to someone recently that this is a blog and not someone selling something. But the truth is, I am selling something. Im selling positive vibes, motivation, encouragement and a belief that the magic can be restored in Grand Bahama. I'm selling that together we can make Grand Bahama grand again.

I'm selling Grand Bahama, and I can't wait to see and feel the positive vibes right back as together we work to adjust the magic that's already in us to show on the outside.

Next week, I hope to continue checking out those new businesses that are coming on stream and I ask only that we support them because they won't survive if we don't. When one makes it, and helps another and the chain continues, we all make it. Give a hand as you receive a hand.


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