What makes you smile?

I got up with this thought in my head this morning, as I think of the possibilities of Grand Bahama. Do listen to Doris Day and get that positive feeling that we can do it! We can change Grand Bahama! And we can start with a mite just today.

Ive been listening to people like Dale Carnegie, Zig Zigler, Wayne Dyer, Og Mandino, Napoleon Hill and Joel Osteen just yesterday and they all seem to have a message that a friend of mine recently told me as she faces tragedy - one day at a time. There is no such think as multi-tasking. You need to give what you are doing your all. Do it one day, one moment at a time.

That is quite an eye opener.

Another message everyone seem to have is that you need to have a dream/goal and to write it down, no matter how impossible it appears. Have something to aim for - set up your dart board, then put then dart in your hand a few paces back and go for it.

Once you have written down this goal, the only way you will remember in the end, you begin to think of ways in which to reach this goal. At first it may seem impossible, like that ant and the rubber tree, but some how, some way, things will begin to happen.

A most important thing I have heard from all of these speakers and that is the NEED for a positive attitude. I scream NEED because of its importance. Its not a maybe, well not really necessary. There have been medical cases that prove that people with positive mental attitudes live longer, fight diseases better and prove to enjoy life more.

If you can only see the hurricanes of 2004/2005 still, maybe you need to start listening and being around positive people to try to change all that. But you need to remember that people such attitudes can be catchy. I saw a sign once that said, "Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching?" I made it my mantra.

Where are you today in making your own goal/dream come true? Today is a new day. I great new start. Begin now and move on. If you failed yesterday, remember thats in the past and cannot determine your future, unless to say, yesterday's trial tells you of what does not work or could not work, just look for a new way today!

What makes you smile? What do you have to be grateful for today? Think on these things ;)


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