Visualize our future

So, I was just thinking of what Grand Bahama would look like when the magic is brought back.

I think of the numbers of people who would have moved here from around The Bahamas and around the world being a mixed and varied culture, like the United Nations.

I see the businesses on the island thriving and new and innovative creations coming on stream that were not possible before.

I see lots of Bahamian entrepreneurs savvy in new age equipment and not afraid of the internet.

I see international business being done here without getting on a plane or even leaving your home.

This is the way the world is going and the way will be thinking.

I see the process of getting into business here being made a lot more streamlined and able to accommodate everyone within three to four weeks.

You have to visualize it. A better life for you, and a better life for your family and friends, a better life for your country without everyone or anyone feeling threatened by foreigners but embracing the differences because as I’ve been told, it takes all kinds to make a world.

Maybe these past ten years after the hurricanes of Frances and Jeanne and then next year of Wilma was a wake up call, and all the work that has been going on has been going on underground to make strong roots that will last.

The growth coming out of the ground that I see so far seems to be coming from, for and by the women on the island.

For the past two years Fidelity has been having empowering workshops for women the see tremendous growth each time. The information garnered is not all about business but about living and they are always exciting. This is the second year that Tweak Your Chic was held and again a huge success. Many of the networking albeit pyramid businesses, are being led by women.

The natural soap business Island Soap House and the ultimate of body products for women – Flawless Mango Skin are being ran by women here in Grand Bahama.

Coaching for women and men are being conducted by Raquel Hart of Out of the Box Strategy Group and Angelika Christie of Radiant Health is offering life coaching sessions free at the moment for women on the island. If you click on the underlined words you go straight to the information on all of these businesses.

I’m not saying that men are not part of the movement, they are, but you see a lot more for, by and of women at present. 

Keep watch out and stay on course. It is all just around the corner for all of us.

PS: Thank you to all who read this blog with a special thanks to Cynthia (Cindy) Rolle for her words of encouragement following my last post. I will be sending you something more tangible soon.


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