If you had one year to live.....

Can you make a difference in Grand Bahama?

It's amazing what you think you can do and what you can actually do!

Twice recently I heard, what would you do if you were told you only had a year to live. With a focus on leaving a legacy would you finally do what you refused to do before because you were playing it safe?

Not lecturing on business I found out about several new things coming on stream for Grand Bahama. An old hotel is about to see new life and those persons only looking of a job to get back on their feet will have a place to expend some good energy.

Sushi is coming back to Port Lucaya for those who don't want to drive from Lucaya to Pier One.

And investors are beginning to take a second look at Grand Bahama.

In the wake of these good news, what have we learned from the past that could enhance any opportunities we get?

I'd say one thing, consistently we go from boom to bust and back. So as we begin to boom, remember .. make the most of each day and find a way to position yourself to be ok in the time of bust.

There are certain businesses that are recession proof. There are professions that are recession proof.

It's in the hard times that you find out who you really are and what you are really made of, so that when the times change, and they always do, you can effectively push forward.

Ask and you shall receive says the Good Book, and here we have been asking for the return of the magic. We will see the return of the magic but will you sparkle?

How much more efficiently can you help an established service run that will bring you more fulfillment? You don't have to start something, you may simply have been put on earth to make something already started, better. You are neither the bun nor the burger, but you may be the mustard or ketchup that makes it taste better.

If you knew that in a year Grand Bahama would change drastically for the better, how would you prepare to make it work for you?

No one was prepared for the hurricanes of 2004/2005 and when they struck Grand Bahama, ten years later we are still hearing "oh that was not done because of the hurricanes of 2004/2005"; "that building looks that way because of the hurricanes of 2004/2005". Actually I rarely hear of the world recession affecting what obviously was our already failing economy. We were already depressed.

Are we now prepared for the good times? Will it bring more smiles for our guests to show them a great time while visiting?

Do you have a plan to execute ... a business to improve/start .... a way of life to begin?

Let's think of plenty and not of lack. You get what you focus on.

In a year's time, what will you be doing and how will it benefit your community?


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