Motivation for change

The posts on this blog over the past two weeks have seen a lot of page views, despite a lack of response.

This blog began was a way to reach out to find like minded persons and to influence the minds of residents to bring back the old days.

After much writing I realized that going back is not the solution but a way to move forward steadily progressing to where we should be .... comfortably.

I have found a lot of readers and still there are a number of negative persons who feel that nothing can or will change. I am not deterred.

There is hope not matter how dismal a situation may appear and I appeal to that small glimmer of hope each and every time.

In Grand Bahama I have found persons who feel that we can and should change but question how. That to me is a start.

I moved away from Grand Bahama for a number of years but on my return the devastation I saw was depressing. Speaking with others who had left and returned they expressed the same sentiments. Speaking with persons who never left some feel that it will turn around again while others have "accepted their lot in life" and wearily move from day to day.

The young are not happy because with this feeling of defeat some of the older persons old on to old ideals and ideas and feel that things cannot and will not work so wont allow anyone else to try.

I was recently listening to some great motivational speakers and I cannot remember which one told it, but there was story about some rats in a science lab who were placed in a barrel of water to swim, but the first set drowned before making it to shore. But a second set we put in and just before death they were taken out and given a rest and then returned with another set and their second set worked even harder with the thought that they can make it.

I believe I stand with the second crew who feel that no matter what we can make it. I feel that new ideas and ideals should be given a try. That some of the older folks ... should consider assisting in the new wave or retire if they cannot believe in the new growth.

The only thing that is stopping us from making it I feel is us.

Many say its money, but thing of it, if you got the money needed right now for that business would you spend it on that business .. all of it, or would you use some of it for personal problems and cause the business to suffer by just that much?

Its passion that drives this blog and its passion that drives an idea to its full worth. It takes one persons changing the way they do things to inspire another and to keep it going.

It took Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Columbus, Nelson Mandela and "Tank Man" (the nameless man who stopped the advancement of tanks on June 5, 1989 the morning after the Chinese military had suppressed the Tiananmen Square protests by force) ... just one person who rouse the rest to world with their beliefs. What made these men stand out was that they did not just believe but acted on their beliefs.

What are your beliefs? If they are negative you will not be disappointed as your results are being seen every day. But if they are positive, there will be some work and some downfalls but keep getting back up and you will see the change you want in the world even if it only changed you for the better.


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