Progress at Port Authority though staff cs training
The Grand Bahama Port Authority, Limited (GBPA) has announced that it will launch a Customer Service Training initiative, commencing with mandatory sessions for all GBPA Group personnel, followed by external training for Licencees.
The customer focused training is an initiative of GBPA’s Invest Grand Bahama Small Business Bureau (IGBSBB), and is scheduled to begin on Wednesday. According to President Ian Rolle, the training is comprised of two segments, internal and external.
“The first segment which is internal, will address how we as a group interact with our customers; meaning Licencees, utility customers and property owners as well. The second segment, taking place on April 15th and 16th will focus on businesses and how Licencees interact with patrons; meaning local customers as well as visiting guests and tourists.” Rolle said.
He added that the need for this initiative was also highlighted by the increased number of service complaints by local patrons doing business throughout the city.
“Customer complaints have become more frequent,” expressed Rolle. “The reality is that poor customer service affects us all; whether that occurs with a tourist upon arrival at the airport, or a resident patronizing a local restaurant or clothing store. Businesses need customers if they are to be successful; and, thriving businesses are the essence of a thriving economy.” Rolle continued.
This initiative by the IGBSBB comes just days following GBPA’s establishment of a Licencee Grievance/Complaint Committee, which is comprised of representatives from the business community, legal and law enforcement professionals as well as religious leaders.
Chairman of the first committee meeting, Arthur Jones said, that it is the Port’s intent, to not only provide superior customer service to the people of Grand Bahama, but to also hold its Licencees to the same standards.
“Providing service excellence needs to be a priority and the standard for us all. We have implemented this customer focused initiative, as a start to holding not only ourselves accountable, but the businesses which we license as well,” cited Jones.
“We have experienced an increase in complaints spanning all sizes and sectors of businesses; some of which have been disturbing. That said, we are encouraging Licencees to place greater emphasis on customer service, and to provide patrons with the very best product and service they are able to offer,” he concluded.
Rolle shared that details for the external customer service workshop (for Licencees) would be released shortly, and both he and Jones urged businesses to participate.
GBPA BEGINS CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAINING INITIATIVE: The Grand Bahama Port Authority, Limited (GBPA) has announced that it will launch a Customer Service Training initiative, commencing with mandatory sessions for all GBPA Group personnel, followed by external training for Licencees. According to GBPA President Ian Rolle, “the first segment which is internal, will address how we as a group interact with our customers; meaning Licencees, utility customers and property owners as well and will take place over a two day session beginning tomorrow Wednesday, April 8th for GBPA Group personnel ending on April 9th. The second segment, taking place on April 15th and 16th will focus on businesses and how Licencees interact with patrons; meaning local customers as well as visiting guests and tourists.” The customer focused training is an initiative of GBPA’s Invest Grand Bahama Small Business Bureau (IGBSBB).
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