Potential... have we lost sight?

It has been more than a little more than a month since my last post and I want to apologize and say that if you don't keep yourself pumped up, you can get lost in the fray of negativity.

I love the words of Zig Ziglar who said, "People often say that motivation doesn't last.  Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."

I have found these words to be all too true as I got caught up in the world of negativity and lost sight of the potential of this blog, the readers and the island.

Over the weekend I started reading a lot of motivational tid-bits and it got me to thinking again about this blog and its potential.

On Instagram I came across a lot of sights that spew positivity and can really get you going. Some also have ideas on what you can do to improve you.

This morning I came across this advice from aimfortheimpossible which said: 

"You should always try to do things that other people won't do so eventually you will be able to do things that other people aren't able to do.

"To become successful it is important to try new things that other people are not willing to do. To become successful you are going to have to take some risks but in the end it will be worth it.

"You should never want to be just average and do the same boring things as everyone else. It may be hard but you just need to have the courage to take risks and be different." 

 What does this mean to you who may be struggling while reading this? It means that despite what everything around you looks like, in small incremental ways you can make a difference in your life, in your community and in your country.

Hats off to Raquel Hart, who I call a friend, who took on an initiative that just didn't come off, but through not fault of hers. She wanted a group of talented people to come together to work together and make a bigger profit together, but ... maybe it just wasn't the right time. 

Co-operatives may just be the way to go, but it will take a little more trusting from a people who have gotten burned one time too many or who have given up on making that leap of faith because of a perceived abyss. 

I can't wait to hear her story as she addresses the upcoming Bahamas Womenpreneur Power Conference and Expo next week in Grand Bahama at the Canal House, Pelican Bay Resort July 20 and 21. I hope you will be there to hear it too.

Same shot, but its beauty depend on how you look at it.


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