What are you waiting for?
Very late last evening I was going through my Twitter feed and came across an article by a fellow Bahamian, no less someone from Freeport and I was amazed at its content.
After hearing so many negative comments about where we are and where we are going, this was refreshing even though it was not written specifically for people living here. Its content was awe inspiring and so I'm sharing it here.
After hearing so many negative comments about where we are and where we are going, this was refreshing even though it was not written specifically for people living here. Its content was awe inspiring and so I'm sharing it here.
By Jackson Ritchie, Diversified Investments & Business Solutions. Author
There is an ongoing discussion or even argument today regarding the
inequality of wealth distribution. The international agency Oxfam warned
earlier this year that the combined wealth of the richest 1 percent
will overtake that of the other 99 percent of the global population by
2016. There are many reasons for this inequality however my discussion
today will focus not so much on whether or not there should be
redistribution and if so how, but instead I want to examine whether
there is enough wealth to go around. Can everyone on earth become a one
percenter? If so where will the wealth come from?
In the late 1800 its was estimated that the total Global Wealth was about $400 billion, ($400,000,000,000) and recent reports indicate that the total wealth globally now stands at $241 trillion, ($241,000,000,000,000) and is expected to climb another 40% by 2018, reaching $334 trillion ($334,000,000,000,000). An examination of history therefore indicates that even though the Earth’s population of 7 billion is far greater than any other time in human history, the entire world is far wealthier as a whole than ever before. Even though the wealth may not be equally spread among all, the fact is there is far more of it that there ever was and it has being growing exponentially down through history.
This then brings up the questions;
Where is all of this wealth coming from?
What is its source?
Do we all have access to it and if so how do we going about getting a piece of the pie?
Napoleon Hill, who spent many years studying how some of the richest persons gained their wealth was quoted as saying “more gold had been mined from the mind of men than the earth it self”. In his writing’s and those of others who followed him such as Earl Nightingale and Bob Proctor, it is pointed out that many of those who gained great wealth started with nothing more than their imagination and the strong desire to succeed. When we look at the wealthiest person on Forbes list (http://www.forbes.com/billionaires/list/) today we can see that many of them started with the same thing we all have, ‘nothing’ other than their imagination. The question is, why were they successful and the other 97% of mankind is not. The answer I believe is summed up in statement by The Great Teacher who is quoted in by Mark as saying “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” (Mark 11:24) Here Jesus was pointing to a defining quality of those who will succeed, they must BELIEVE they have it before they see it in the material world.
It is obvious to anyone who takes the time to examine the facts that there is an infinite source of wealth. This infinite source is invisible and it is where everything exist prior to being brought into existence by some person brave enough to dare to dream and stick to their dream until it comes into existence. This infinite supply is where the aircraft was until it was conceived of and brought into existence by the Wright brothers, its where the motor car resided until Karl Benz was persistence enough to build what he saw in ‘his minds eye’ despite the ridicule that was heaped on him by his contemporaries. Its where the wireless radio, the forerunner of the ‘can’t do without’ smart phones, was until Marconi was courageous enough to persist in building the machine even though some thought he should go into the insane asylum because he was foolish enough to tell them he believed he could transmit the human voice through the air over long distances without wires.
This is but a few examples of those who were considered crazy and fools when they thought of and imagined things that never existed in the physical world before, but when they stuck with it and brought those new things forth they were then relabeled as genius by the masses.
Today we all use and enjoy tools and gadgets such as the smart phone, computer, cars, television and so forth and give very little thought to where they were before they were brought into existence. However when we stop and think, we come to realize that the materials and the laws needed, for example, to build and fly the airplane always existed, the only ingredient that was missing was someone with the imagination and courage to put them together and bring about something new. The result for many of those who dared to follow this process was abundance wealth. All we have to do is look at the top 6 on the Forbes Billionaire list and we see that they all gained their wealth from first getting an idea or a picture of what they could do in the mind and then pursuing it to success regardless of what others thought. Many times successful persons are those, who instead of wasting their time pursuing frivolous pastimes and pleasures, focus on gaining knowledge and understanding and when they do they are able to convert them to gold. The wealthiest man to ever live, King Solomon, himself said that knowledge and understanding or wisdom is the thing we should pursue and as we do we will find that it is indeed more valuable than gold.
Those who therefore receive the lions share of the wealth are those who study, learn and think, those who dare to imagine and try to bring forth something new and they do this despite the noise produced by the other 97% whose problem is, not that they are being unfairly treated, but instead is one of ignorance or lack of knowledge and understanding. That is they do not know what is available to each and everyone of us and even if they have an idea of what might be possible they are deterred from trying because of fear. The fear is also a result of them ‘not knowing’ or to put it another way their total ignorance or unawareness of what is possible.
Its apparent then that there is indeed more than enough of everything for every human on earth, the problem is not that the Creator or nature, energy, the universe or whatever you wish to call the higher power that caused us to be, didn’t plan enough to satisfy everyone. In fact scientist are realizing more and more that there is far more, food for example, available than we could ever consume and the supply keeps renewing itself. The problems we see arise today then are due to ignorance of this fact and because the majority is programmed to believe the supply is limited, they then feel they must compete for a piece of the pie. If they could change their viewpoint to understand the truth that there is more than enough, this would change attitudes that breed competition, crimes, wars and their associated problems.
It is clear then that the thing we need today is not forced wealth redistribution but instead greater education and not just the type of education offered through the school systems. Instead the masses need to be educated as to the vast potential available to all and understand if they can truly “see it and BELIEVE it without doubt” they can have it! They need to understand that the solution is not to envy those who had the vision, courage and persistence to create their wealth and instead change their viewpoint, which is what controls their actions, and imitate them thereby creating their own wealth.
A wise man once said, “know the truth and the truth will set you free”. Knowing the truth about what is available to each and everyone of us and how to access it will set us all free from the bondage many find themselves in in their jobs and give them the freedom to pursue more knowledge, wisdom and understanding which in turn leads to a life of abundance.
In the late 1800 its was estimated that the total Global Wealth was about $400 billion, ($400,000,000,000) and recent reports indicate that the total wealth globally now stands at $241 trillion, ($241,000,000,000,000) and is expected to climb another 40% by 2018, reaching $334 trillion ($334,000,000,000,000). An examination of history therefore indicates that even though the Earth’s population of 7 billion is far greater than any other time in human history, the entire world is far wealthier as a whole than ever before. Even though the wealth may not be equally spread among all, the fact is there is far more of it that there ever was and it has being growing exponentially down through history.
This then brings up the questions;
Where is all of this wealth coming from?
What is its source?
Do we all have access to it and if so how do we going about getting a piece of the pie?
Napoleon Hill, who spent many years studying how some of the richest persons gained their wealth was quoted as saying “more gold had been mined from the mind of men than the earth it self”. In his writing’s and those of others who followed him such as Earl Nightingale and Bob Proctor, it is pointed out that many of those who gained great wealth started with nothing more than their imagination and the strong desire to succeed. When we look at the wealthiest person on Forbes list (http://www.forbes.com/billionaires/list/) today we can see that many of them started with the same thing we all have, ‘nothing’ other than their imagination. The question is, why were they successful and the other 97% of mankind is not. The answer I believe is summed up in statement by The Great Teacher who is quoted in by Mark as saying “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” (Mark 11:24) Here Jesus was pointing to a defining quality of those who will succeed, they must BELIEVE they have it before they see it in the material world.
It is obvious to anyone who takes the time to examine the facts that there is an infinite source of wealth. This infinite source is invisible and it is where everything exist prior to being brought into existence by some person brave enough to dare to dream and stick to their dream until it comes into existence. This infinite supply is where the aircraft was until it was conceived of and brought into existence by the Wright brothers, its where the motor car resided until Karl Benz was persistence enough to build what he saw in ‘his minds eye’ despite the ridicule that was heaped on him by his contemporaries. Its where the wireless radio, the forerunner of the ‘can’t do without’ smart phones, was until Marconi was courageous enough to persist in building the machine even though some thought he should go into the insane asylum because he was foolish enough to tell them he believed he could transmit the human voice through the air over long distances without wires.
This is but a few examples of those who were considered crazy and fools when they thought of and imagined things that never existed in the physical world before, but when they stuck with it and brought those new things forth they were then relabeled as genius by the masses.
Today we all use and enjoy tools and gadgets such as the smart phone, computer, cars, television and so forth and give very little thought to where they were before they were brought into existence. However when we stop and think, we come to realize that the materials and the laws needed, for example, to build and fly the airplane always existed, the only ingredient that was missing was someone with the imagination and courage to put them together and bring about something new. The result for many of those who dared to follow this process was abundance wealth. All we have to do is look at the top 6 on the Forbes Billionaire list and we see that they all gained their wealth from first getting an idea or a picture of what they could do in the mind and then pursuing it to success regardless of what others thought. Many times successful persons are those, who instead of wasting their time pursuing frivolous pastimes and pleasures, focus on gaining knowledge and understanding and when they do they are able to convert them to gold. The wealthiest man to ever live, King Solomon, himself said that knowledge and understanding or wisdom is the thing we should pursue and as we do we will find that it is indeed more valuable than gold.
Those who therefore receive the lions share of the wealth are those who study, learn and think, those who dare to imagine and try to bring forth something new and they do this despite the noise produced by the other 97% whose problem is, not that they are being unfairly treated, but instead is one of ignorance or lack of knowledge and understanding. That is they do not know what is available to each and everyone of us and even if they have an idea of what might be possible they are deterred from trying because of fear. The fear is also a result of them ‘not knowing’ or to put it another way their total ignorance or unawareness of what is possible.
Its apparent then that there is indeed more than enough of everything for every human on earth, the problem is not that the Creator or nature, energy, the universe or whatever you wish to call the higher power that caused us to be, didn’t plan enough to satisfy everyone. In fact scientist are realizing more and more that there is far more, food for example, available than we could ever consume and the supply keeps renewing itself. The problems we see arise today then are due to ignorance of this fact and because the majority is programmed to believe the supply is limited, they then feel they must compete for a piece of the pie. If they could change their viewpoint to understand the truth that there is more than enough, this would change attitudes that breed competition, crimes, wars and their associated problems.
It is clear then that the thing we need today is not forced wealth redistribution but instead greater education and not just the type of education offered through the school systems. Instead the masses need to be educated as to the vast potential available to all and understand if they can truly “see it and BELIEVE it without doubt” they can have it! They need to understand that the solution is not to envy those who had the vision, courage and persistence to create their wealth and instead change their viewpoint, which is what controls their actions, and imitate them thereby creating their own wealth.
A wise man once said, “know the truth and the truth will set you free”. Knowing the truth about what is available to each and everyone of us and how to access it will set us all free from the bondage many find themselves in in their jobs and give them the freedom to pursue more knowledge, wisdom and understanding which in turn leads to a life of abundance.
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