Change comes when we believe it will
This is a time of change ... not just in one place.. but all over the world.
The point of this blog is to say that change is coming and it will be better if we set our minds to receive it.
The above video was selected mainly to discuss this topic.
There has been a lot of talk about things that are about to coming, jobs that are coming and lives to be made better. As things have changed but for the worst for some... the affects of three hurricanes in Grand Bahama in 2004/2005 has made a lot of people here very negative and depressed. It's like watching Eww from Winnie The Poo who is forever depressed and has nothing good to say or think. Always feeling that whatever can go wrong, will go wrong and at the worst possible time, a law of Murphy.
But things can and will change. They will change according to how you feel it will take place and if you decide to treat everything as if it has already changed and embrace the change you want to see... we will will be surprised.
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