The good in negativity...

With emphasis in the blog being on changing the mindset for positive lasting growth in this community Im sure many may wonder why such a title.

Is there good in negativity?

My grand mother used to say, "there are all kinds of good including no good and good for nothing."

In the words of motivator (still motiving even after his death) Zig Ziglar, "some people find failure as if there is a reward in it".

I was somewhat put off just yesterday as a lady was talking with a mutual friend saying how bad things are "while some people are walking around saying its all good as if nothing is going wrong". 

Maybe she meant me ... maybe she didn't. But I believe you get what you focus on, and if you focus on the bad there is hardly much good coming from that.

I choose to believe what I choose to believe and if was the belief of one man in many cases that got the whole world moving in many ways. The one true God did that with creation. The one messiah did that for us all.

It was one person who came us with a lot of the technology that we use today, one woman who found mercury, one woman who didn't get up and is honoured today for not doing so.

In time others catch on and move with the flow created by this one person.

About twelve years after it began, Facebook has 1.23 million users in the world. It has caused many negative and even more positive things to happen in most of our lives.

It was one man's ideas that took a lot of pine trees down and is still trying to get the population in Freeport, Grand Bahama to reach over 100,000, but that dream is still going even after he has gone.

Why sit around being negative about everything when you can do so much more by having a positive mind. If politics is your thing and making a choice for one of the sides... and your world is coloured only by that choice then you are bound to have bad moments, but never let that stop you from seeing the good in the world on a whole. 

Remember it was one man out front that moved most organizations, corporations, and if necessary you be that person and "be the change you want to see in the world" as Gandhi said. 

The good in negativity is to let it go... its good for nothing. Breathe in the positive and change even just your world.  


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