Facing a storm

It's Monday, Oct. 3rd and we are once again facing a tropical storm which only reminds me of an economist here once talking about the different types of storms that we have faced and were expected to face.

Yes, the country has taken many hits over the past 20 years in tropical storms/ hurricanes as well as financial storms and changes.

Well actually, the world has had many hits as we meet reality vs a dream world of a false economy.

It is easy to change all this as a "friend" said in a recent comment, in a communist country, but in a democratic country, there is a lot of people to go through for approval and then another round of talks and developments to implement.

This is not to say its a bad or good thing, it is just what it is.

This always gives those persons seeing visions and prospects/opportunities to get themselves together to be ready for come what may.

So, what can be the upside of any storm?

Well, it gives time to think that weekends don't do. Weekends were to be used to rejuvenate. But of course, that's not what it's just for any more for most people. However, during a storm, one is faced with power outages which slow things, and the average home has time to rethink its movements. 

Many times we just spend the time thinking of what is or could be going wrong; and as one motivational speaker said, we spend a lot of time thinking of what can go wrong, and all of those things never happen.

So this time, let use that time to move forward with ideas on how to make things better for you, your home, your community and your country.

All around we hear that the way to move forward is to help others; so how can you help someone in a way that may profit you? This does not mean to deliberately injure someone but to genuinely provide a service or items that would make life a bit better that you have and can offer.

Getting ahead is just that simple.

As a country, we took on tourism as our way of getting ahead, and to do so, the service we render to everyone counts. So, how can we offer the best service to get the best reputation to be the best touristic country in the world?

Believe it or not, it starts with just you/me. One person can make a difference and that difference can spread.

How about using time off to decide how to better what you are doing so that you can be a part of a bigger change in the world?


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