What if money was no object?

My last two posts garnered a lot of interest and lots of comments. However together they were no match for the amount of people who read the "Bend or Break Speech."

While writing and listening to the noise in the market it is somewhat easy to become discouraged, so I thought to myself, ask a question I normally ask of new found friends, What would you do if money were no object?

This is a provocative question and reminds me of a question I get asked when I tell them what Ive done, "why don't you continue what you were doing?"

I could say it's money that holds me back from some of the video productions or writing, but really its not.  I have the equipment and the knowledge, just afraid of not being accepted.

Yes, for many projects the problem may be money. Say I want to buy Xanadu Beach Hotel, yes I'm  little shy of that $30 million and spare change. But Im not shy of meeting and talking with people who may have that kind of money who may want to purchase it and form some kind of alliance that we can realize a dream that puts the people of Grand Bahama back on a job.

I say back on a job because I realize some people just don't want to work. They want to have a job that allows them to dress up and show up but do very little else. I would be lying if I said that this happens only on this island. Its a phenomena all over the world. We are not really special in this regard but we need to be careful of being labeled.

So what huge dream do you have? What do you want to do that you can start with scraps and move on up to owning?

At the beginning of 2013, after we realized that we were still here and alive when the world did not end in 2012, the word was that we are in a shift. That shift is more evident this year as many persons are of the same mind … counseling about business and entrepreneurship.

We all want to motivate people to stop being employees only but to also branch out and become an employer.

Just a few days ago the government finished a training for a the "Jump Start Programme" in Grand Bahama where a number of students were given such training with the promise of a stipend to begin their own business.

When this programme was introduced some years ago, I remember Nassau rushed off with it and there are a number of good success stories. Unfortunately I have not heard of any in Grand Bahama, but that does not mean there are none, just that I have not heard about them yet.

There are some people doing things in Grand Bahama and I see some buildings and a small bit of construction going on in Freeport. It is the beginning of a come back, but really what would make it all worth everyone's while is if we are doing what we enjoy and would do even if we were not paid to do it.

What is your passion? Are you ready to do something about it? If you are not living your dream,  you will help someone else to realize theirs.

Think about it!


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