"Anything" is not a job!

What shall I write about today was something I was grappling with since Tuesday, even thought I knew of something that was coming.

My motivators gave me a lot to write about but I thought, what really applies to Grand Bahama. Really… most of it.

To "Flip" or change Grand Bahama, we need to start with the mindset of the people. This is what brought me to the topic this morning - "Anything" is not a job.

Its nearing that time when thousands of young people all over The Bahamas will be graduating high school. Oh the choices, the ambition, the new life that is within each and every one. Some will get to go off to school and others will stay here looking for a job because of the pressures of life and parents. But what are their dreams?

Even if you knew what your kids dreams were, would you help them with it or will you call it silly and say that with this economy it would not work?

How open are you to the new era that is upon us and allowing young people to be the change that we need?

Stop demanding that they go out and find "anything" to do or even just something. Help them to find their purpose, to follow a dream so that they won't have to face being fired constantly because they have not found their passion and are living the lie that may insist on believing - "anything" is better than nothing. And while you are at it, check into what your goal/purpose is in this life and do it TODAY!

Hats off to Ginger Moxey on her new venture. She is a living testament to what can be achieved by a young person in Grand Bahama. To some, because she came from Eight Mile Rock may have been a hinderance, but she has plowed onward and upward to a very coveted position and of course working in the Grand Bahama Port Authority. But now she is working for herself and making a huge impact on the island with her new venture - Immerse.

This shared space business located in the heart to down town offers new and striving entrepreneurs a place to create. In Grand Bahama, its the next best thing to a garage business and who knows, the next Microsoft can emerge out of this space.

This is much needed because as I have said in the past, some businesses do not need a store front. They just need a space to operate. Some businesses in all honesty can be ran from the car on the road. As any landscaping company how necessary is that office they have to have to operate a business. Some businesses need lots of space and this is understood.

Thanks Ginger for the vision and we wish you all the best in your new venture as we encourage entrepreneurs to check this space out and grow your business.

I can say she is doing what Zig Zigler speaks about: You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.”

Who are you helping today? Joel Osteen's sermon this week is on being someone miracle. Are you working on being someone's miracle today?

I say today because it is the only one we have. In your 24 hours, what are you doing and how are you helping. 

I love what I read this morning on Forbes (magazine) thought of the day: We are rich only through what we give: and poor only through what we refuse and keep.
— Anne Swetchine

Have a dynamic day and don't forget to check out the news in our "What's New" section.


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