What are you buying into?

In my last post I said I was selling some good vibes but I began to wonder.... who is buying what I'm selling?

As I look around Grand Bahama I do hear the negative. I do see the unsightly but I try to give a positive spin.

If we were all invited to a pity party would we all go? How much good would it do for us personally and how much would it do for the island?

To see what you want to see you have to make it change.

So ... I stumbled on a gem yesterday as I was driving down Queen's Highway. The once huge lighting place that closed abruptly two to three years ago left a rather large building supposedly abandoned. But it was recently sold and the new owners are Bruce and Maura Chee-A-Tow who are moving their bedding manufacturing and sales business right on the main thoroughfare.

Island Bedding they told me will be opening on Queens Highway hopefully within the next two months.

This is a great addition to the look of Queen's Highway which suffered some set backs in the recent past. Looking at this highway we can see a bit of activity within the last year - certainly after a look at some of the derelict buildings that were an eye sore was published and discussed.

Also driving around this other gem was found under construction on West Atlantic Drive.

The only forth coming information at the time was that it is another mall and its owned by a plumber who is moving his business into it. Of course we will not stop there. More to come on this.

Amid all this, another security company has just began in the Insurance Management building - AGT Security Services providing many types of security services you never really associated with security.

In our next news post we will be telling you about another new business that brings magic in relationships. Look out for that in our What's New tab on Thursday.

Let's keep looking for the good and bringing them to light. The magic is here.


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