What's your vision for Grand Bahama

We have looked back for a long time wanting to turn things around to what it used to be. But is that the way to go?

There are several schools of thoughts on looking back.

We all wished that Grand Bahama/ Freeport took off as the vision was for this island. To this end many things have been done over the years at intervals to recapture the dream.

But now we need to settle on the school of thought that says, "move on, for life is not meant to be traveled backwards."

I was reading the news this past weekend and noted the passing of the first Prime Minister of Singapore Lew Kwan Yew who is credited with single handedly changing the country.

To read his biography is to read the history of this country ... all the reforms he led and policies established to make that country celebrated as an economic success despite the small population.

I take to heart the words he left in his last book entitled "One Man's View of the World" published in 2013 which said, "As for me, I have done what I had wanted to, to the best of my ability. I am satisfied."

I was reading comments on one of my posts and smiled to myself with a writer suggested that Abaco and Grand Bahama should join together and leave The Bahamas becoming Abaco Grand Lucaya.

There are many thoughts and lots of vision for and about Grand Bahama.

What is your vision? We want to hear from you the reader.


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