Customer Service Training
When this blog began, the purpose was to get the people of this island into that positive mindset to make all the necessary changes. One of those changes that were so badly needed was to offer better customer service and just recently the Grand Bahama Port Authority has taken up an initiative that is putting us on a great new path.
First, through the Business Development Department a customer service training programme was offered to students in the schools to start this project off right. The next generation should have it down pact by the time they are meeting and greeting their customers.
Then to give ownership to the project they offered the community a buy in and then introduced the My Grand Bahama Project which was introduced last week. To put the icing on the cake they are now offering customer service training to the public.
Well this writer can tell you through listening to some of the things that are being said, and the messages people are leaving with, this island is looking forward to a great start.
It seems as if Matthew with its 140 mph winds took with it the bad attitudes, and is leaving in its wake a new look at how Grand Bahama will be flipped.
Attitudes are begin addressed. This is great. Just what this blog is all about.
This is all a set up for better reception by customers - local and international - for better business. Then we move on to invite and treat our investors with the right attitudes to make them want to spend money here and bring more of the prosperity this island once enjoyed.
Much has been said in the past about going back to the good ole days, but with so much maturity, it's time to forge a new prosperity enjoyed by all with the depression only a bad memory.
Let's go and Make It Happen Grand Bahama! Let's Chat Grand Bahama! Let's make people want to Move To The Bahamas and bring on the new way of life for some and a glimpse of what was for others.
What are your thoughts?
The Customer Service Courses have provided the skills and knowledge however implementation and awareness is still not there.
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