Going the extra mile

So again listening to the great Napolean Hill I picked up on something that seems to be slipping by in our culture and in our world at the moment ... the whole idea of giving more of yourself without expecting much in return.

His idea was, "Going the extra mile promotes you".

How many times a day do you hear "that's above my pay grade" or "I'm not paid to do that"?

This is the idea that has to be changed on a whole and head back to going that extra mile as good Christians.

The Bible admonishes us to go above what is asked of us.

If it's above our pay grade, one day it will be within our pay grade or even below our pay grade as we are promoted.

When working for a company, one is apt to think that we are doing them a favour by showing up. Does that mean that in reverse they are doing us a favour by paying us?

Something else I've learned along the way, you get paid what you negotiate. If you say you will take anything, remember $1 is also anything. It's like the job you want, you will take "anything" then you are paid "anything" and you find someone doing the job you wanted and being paid what you desired and you feel you have been cheated. But you got what you asked for.

In the words of Zig Zigler, "you can get what you want if you help enough other people get what they want."

What does one have to do with the other, You ask directly for what you want. If at first, you are without the skills you can get them along the way if you work hard and go above and beyond and with hard work comes recognition; possibly not the next week, but recognition will come when it is time. All in time.

You are helping the company get what they want, which is profits made through servicing clients to the best of their abilities, and you get what you negotiate... I want this amount as remuneration.

It is so easy to find out someone else's pay and say that we are being short changed? Did you even know that amount was available to be paid? If that's what you wanted, why didn't you ask for if, and if it is not available at that time, then negotiate a time when it will be available.

It's on you to make that step and your goal is always within your grasp if you set it and go after it.


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