Keep your head up

I love to share good things and recently I found this gem on Twitter - The Gospel Daily 

"Always keep your head up, because if it's down you won't be able to see the blessings that have been placed in your life."

This week is all about positive vibes to just take us out of the "valley" in Grand Bahama to a field of blessings.

Ultimately I feel the changed required is our responsibility. We talk about the "good ole days" and wanting to turn back to that time and I realized as I have been writing this blog that while those days appeared to be so good, even better is ahead.

Yesterday happened and we can each build on what we saw that we liked.

I admire such persons as Sean Johnson who has "Move Marketing" who is capitalizing on the fun needed that was sooo missing. I was thinking just this week how he has been putting on events without having to wait to invite "stars", that everyone who comes out is a star in their own right. 

"The Social", "Meetings of the Minds" and the upcoming "Pulse" are his and gives the young people who are complaining that there is nothing to do, something to do and to talk about. If you miss it then you just catch up with it pictures posted about each event after.

Also I admire Ricky Martin who has "Love Fest" and Flying High Productions who brings laughter to the island with his various comedy show and concerts adding "Cayo" to his mix.

'dSean Smith of Spartan Buildings who also has MMD Concepts as well as other businesses. If you need just about anythings... media, construction, etc, he has you. But he did something last year that was even more inspiring.. he brought a number of young entrepreneurial minds together to also start moving Grand Bahama ahead. I'm not sure what happened since then but any effort, any start is a good thing and I admire that.

Fredricka Black and Ruthann Newton Lightbourne who are coaching people interested in business in Grand Bahama are high on my list of women entrepreneurs. 

Its a pity when we have to lose our own for business opportunities ... like Leshan Ferguson and Kerel Pinder who have put their stamp on Grand Bahama over the past few years come to mind.

Alishia Duncanson is also trying to make an impact through which offers those coming out of high school a place to look for avenues to be able to go to school to gain higher education, as well avenues for grants to start viable businesses.

These are but a few of the people in Grand Bahama who are trying to make a difference. They are using their talents to make the change we want to see. Let us all do our part, keeping our heads up to see the blessings that are on the way, and to be a blessing to others in the meantime.

What is potential without action?


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